A world without music? It's something that we never think about.. something that pretty much scares me. My world without music would be nothing. Music gets me up in the morning. It's the energy that makes me do the things I do and go to the places I end up. Each song is a jigsaw piece for the overall puzzle that is me. It's hard to explain how one song can affect my judgement and can have an impact on my life; past, present and future. So I guess my world without music WOULD be nothing... I'm just happy a world without music is never going to happen!
"Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife." -- Kahlil Gibran.
Music has always played a part in my life for years. I knew growing up that my musical tastes were not of the norm. Sitting by my dad's stereo, earphones on, singing my heart out to the Beatles at the tender age of eight is something I'll never forget. I was the only kid in my group of friends with a Beatles poster on my wall, cooing over Ringo Starr. I knew from then that music wasn't something that should pass you by, it was there to change lives.
My musical taste is something that even I can't explain. I never kept to one genre, I never seen the point. My belief in life is simple: If it's worth listening to, then I'll listen to it. There are songs that stand out amongst the others and it's those songs that change my life. They make me want to learn to play that song, and inspire me to want to write my own. Songs that make you think about what's being said; they are the songs that you can relate to. Music is so easy to relate to, to map your life on. Creating a soundtrack for every moment of my life is something I always end up doing.
"Music expresses feeling and thought, without language; it was below and before speech, and it is above and beyond all words." -- Robert G. Ingersoll
The purpose for this blog is simple. This blog is all about me and how music is the glue that pieces me together. What I hope to share with you is some of the bands and artists that inspire me and hopefully somewhere along the line, they might inspire you too. I also plan to share with you some music I've been learning. Guitar is something I live by at the moment and learning songs that I love has become one of my favourite things. It seems easier to share what I love through my blog than face to face.
I just hope you enjoy the journey and the mixed tape I provide.
So for now I leave you with the reason why my blog is entitled The Mixed Tape. This is my favourite song by one of my favourite bands, Jack's Mannequin. I discovered them on One Tree Hill, the TV show that over the years has become my source for new music. You can check them out on their official website or for all you myspacers out there, their myspace page is pretty cool. They are worthy of a listen. But here's the video for The Mixed Tape and I hope you enjoy.
I enjoyed the song, bit to American Pop/Rock for me, but I'm looking forward to some more recommendations.
Angieeeeee, love the colours!! can't wait to read more posts!!
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