Friday, 9 May 2008

The Lyric Game

I was just reading through some of the blogs to see everyone's final touches and I've got to say, I'm loving them all. I was reading through Joanne's Online Sketchbook blog there now and her post entitled bands, bands, bands really interested me. I absolutely love the artwork she has done. I'm also envious of the fact she's been to see some amazing bands at Leeds Festival.

It was her artwork for the band Simple Plan that sparked something in me and I couldn't help but blog about it now. Her artwork reminded me of a game I used to play. It's what I've called 'The Lyric Game' and it's mainly for when you're alone with nothing but your boredom and your music for company.

Basically what you do is set your ipod/itunes/media player on shuffle and let it play. Each song that plays, you listen and write down your favourite lyric. (If that song repeats again, then write a different lyric.) What you have is a collection of lyrics that obviously mean something to you. They might be good, bad or just plain hilarious. I find I end up playing this game during my 'emo' days of when nothing but the sound of my music seems to matter. I ended up making a piece of artwork similar to Joanne's after my game so I thought I'd post it up.

So anyway, whenever you find yourself bored out of your mind but too lazy to do your assignments, have a go at the game. It might bring the 'emo' out in you!


Azin Kaikavoosi said...

Hey Angela.

SO I played the lyrics game, and i loved it. I played it with my friends as well when were a little bit tipsy and it was really funny. You find yourself picking out lyrics and your like why the hell.....
I really recommend the game. Lovin the blog xxx

Colette said...

Im going to try this lyrics game, sound fun. I love the lyrics scrap page :) I want to do it. X

Anonymous said...

yeah we used to mess around with the same idea at school , think it is long overdue a revival..